Architecture, NServiceBus

In this microservices era, many teams are building messaging solutions. What starts as a simple solution with 5 deployment units can quickly grow to tens or even hundreds. I have worked on such a solution for several years and experienced both the advantages and disadvantages of a Service-Oriented Architecture. We used NServiceBus (part of Particular’s Service Platform).

The solution started out simple, but, as the number of features grew, so did the complexity. With tens of message endpoints, it was hard to see both the big picture and the details. For the big picture, we could rely on some manually created diagrams (e.g. a Context View in Simon Brown’s C4 model). But things got trickier when we wanted to understand the details. When I talk about details, I mean answers to specific questions. For example:

  • What messages does endpoint X send/receive?
  • What endpoints are coupled to the X endpoint?
  • What messages are part of the Y business flow?
  • What messages is service Z sending?
  • What messages trigger message W to be sent?
  • Show me the entire message flow that starts with message W.

While I was thinking about this, I saw this interesting tweet from Jack Kleeman that showed the communication paths between microservices at Monzo:

Now, the system I worked on was nowhere near this complex, but it made me wonder: how can you answer the questions above when working on such a system? In this blog post we’ll explore some options. To keep things simple, in this blog post we’ll use a sample eCommerce solution (that I’ve also used in my article series about Designing long-running processes in distributed systems).

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I’ve been working with NServiceBus (part of the Particular platform) for the past 5 years. In all this time, I’ve always been impressed with the community around it. This article is my experience report. I’ll go over some of the highlights of working with this great piece of technology:

  • how it helped me learn the principles of SOA
  • its developer-friendliness
  • the documentation
  • the community
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Architecture, NServiceBus

In the previous posts in this series, we’ve seen some examples of long running processes, how to model them and where to store the state. But building distributed systems is hard. And if we are aware of the fallacies of distributed systems, then we know that things fail all the time. So how can we ensure that our long running process doesn’t get into an inconsistent state if something fails along the way?

Let’s see some strategies for dealing with failure in the Shipping service. First, let’s have another looks at the shipping policy defined in the previous post:

  • First, attempt to ship with Fan Courier.
  • If cannot ship with Fan Courier, attempt to ship with Urgent Cargus.
  • If we did not receive a response from Fan Courier within the agreed SLA, cancel the Fan Courier shipment and attempt to ship with Urgent Cargus.
  • If we cannot ship with Urgent Cargus or did not receive a response within the agreed SLA, notify the IT department.


The Fan Courier Gateway handles the ShipWithFanCourierRequest message and calls the Fan Courier HTTP API. What happens if we get an Internal Server Error?

Fan Courier HTTP API fails

The simplest thing we could do would be to retry. What if it still fails? Then we can wait a bit, then retry again. For example, we can retry after 10 seconds. If it still fails, retry after 20 and so on. These Delayed Retries are a very useful strategy for getting over transient errors (like a deadlock in the database). We could even increase the time between retries exponentially, using an exponential backoff strategy.

Idempotent Receiver

One thing that you need to be mindful when retrying is message idempotency. What happens if we get an HTTP timeout when calling the Fan Courier HTTP API, but our shipment request was actually processed successfully, we just didn’t get the response back? When we retry, we don’t want to send a new shipment. This is why the Fan Courier Gateway needs to be an Idempotent Receiver. This means that it doesn’t matter if it processes the same message only once or 5 times, the result will always be the same: a single shipment request. There are several ways of implementing an idempotent receiver, but these are outside of the scope of this article.


But what if the Fan Courier API is down? Retrying won’t help. So what can we do? When we send the ShipWithFanCourierRequest we can also raise a timeout within 30 minutes (at line 8). When we receive the timeout message (line 13) we can take some mitigating actions. The shipping policy states that we’d like to attempt to ship with Urgent Cargus. In order to do that, we’ll want to first cancel the Fan Courier shipment (line 17). This is what’s called a compensating transaction because it will undo the effects of the initial transaction. Then, we’ll send a ShipWithUrgentCargusRequest.

public Task Handle(ShipOrder message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
	Data.OrderId = message.OrderId;
	Data.Status = ShippingStatus.ShippingWithFanCourier;

	context.Send(new ShipWithFanCourierRequest { CorrelationId = Data.OrderId });

	RequestTimeout(context, shipmentSla, new DidNotReceiveAResponseFromFanCourierTimeout());

	return Task.CompletedTask;

public Task Timeout(DidNotReceiveAResponseFromFanCourierTimeout state, IMessageHandlerContext context)
	if (Data.Status == ShippingStatus.ShippingWithFanCourier)
		context.Send(new CancelFanCourierShipping { CorrelationId = Data.OrderId });

	return Task.CompletedTask;

Dead Letter Channel

What happens if the UrgentCargus API is down too? We can send the message to an error queue. This is an implementation of the Dead Letter Channel pattern. A message arriving in the error queue can trigger an alert and the support team can decide what to do. And this is important: you don’t need to automate all edge cases in your business process. What’s the point in spending a sprint to automate this case, if it only happens once every two years? The costs will definitely outweigh the benefits. Instead, we can define a manual business process for handling these edge cases.

In our example, if Bob from IT sees a message in the error queue, he can inspect it and see that it failed with a CannotShipOrderException. In this case he can notify the Shipping department and they can use another shipment provider. But all of this happens outside of the system, so the system is less complex and easier to build.


Another failure management pattern is the Saga pattern. Let’s see an example.


The Product Owner would like to introduce a new feature – the ability to ship high volume orders. But there’s a catch: high volume orders are too large to ship in a single shipment. We need to split them in batches. But, we only want to ship complete orders. This means that if we cannot ship one batch, we don’t want to ship any batch.

The Saga pattern advocates splitting the big transaction (ship all batches) into smaller transactions (one per batch). But since these transactions are not isolated, we need to be able to compensate them:

Splitting one large transaction in multiple transactions, each with a compensating action.

The ShipHighVolumeOrderSaga in the sample code base shows how to use the Saga pattern to implement this feature.


Avoids Distributed Locks

By using the Saga pattern you avoid using distributed locks and two-phase commits. This means that you avoid the single point of failure – the distributed transaction coordinator – and it’s more performant.

Atomic, Consistent, Durable

If you implement this pattern correctly, you can get Atomicity, Consistency and Durability guarantees.


Lack of Isolation

The lack of isolation can cause anomalies. If between T1 and T2 you get a T4, you need to decide what to do. You can easily get into an inconsistent state.


Handling these cases and all the different orders that messages can arrive can introduce complexity.

If you want to learn more about the saga pattern, I also recommend this article by Clemens Vasters and this this presentation by Caitie McCaffrey.


In this article we’ve seen some patterns for handling failures in long running processes. We started with the easier ones: retries and delayed retries, timeouts, compensating transactions and dead letter channels. Then we’ve briefly covered a more complex pattern – the saga pattern. I keep the saga pattern at the bottom of my toolbox and I avoid it if possible. Many times, you can get around it by using simpler patterns.

In this article series we’ve seen how we can use different patterns to implement long running processes. To showcase the patterns, we’ve used a sample eCommerce product that looks like this:

The system

If you want to have a look at the code, you can find it on my github account.

Architecture, NServiceBus

In the previous two posts in this series, we’ve seen some examples of long running processes and how to model them. In this article we’ll see where to store the state of a long running process. This is an important topic when talking about long running processes because long running means stateful. We’ll discuss three patterns: storing the state in the domain entity, in the message or in a process instance. To better explain these patterns, we’ll implement subflows from the Order Fulfillment enterprise process.

Order Fulfillment

You can find the code on my GitHub account.

Store the state in the Domain Entity

This is probably the most used approach of the three, although it’s not the best choice in most cases. But it’s overused because it’s simple: you just store the state in the domain entity.


Let’s start with what Finance needs to do when it receives the OrderPlaced event: charge the customer. To do that, it will integrate with a 3rd party payment provider. The long running process in this case handles two message:

  • the OrderPlaced event – in which case it will send a ChargeCreditCardRequest
  • the ChargeCreditCardRespone


Since we only have two transitions, we could store the state in the Order entity.

Entities Example

Let’s have a look at the code. We’ll use NServiceBus, but the code is readable even if you don’t know NServiceBus or .Net.

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Architecture, NServiceBus

In the previous article we’ve seen some examples of long running processes. The purpose of this blog post is to show how to model long running processes by using choreography or orchestration.


To better understand the differences between these two approaches, let’s take a long running process and implement it with both. Since we already talked about the Order Fulfillment enterprise process in the last post, let’s use that.

Order Fulfillment

When a customer places an order, we need to approve it, charge the customer’s credit card, pack the order and ship it.


Let’s first implement this requirement with choreography. Choreography is all about distributed decision making. When something important happens in a service (or bounded context), the service will publish an event. Other services can subscribe to that event and make decisions based on it.


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Architecture, MSMQ, NServiceBus

Are you working on a distributed system? Microservices, Web APIs, SOA, web server, application server, database server, cache server, load balancer – if these describe components in your system’s design, then the answer is yes. Distributed systems are comprised of many computers that coordinate to achieve a common goal.

More than 20 years ago Peter Deutsch and James Gosling defined the 8 fallacies of distributed computing. These are false assumptions that many developers make about distributed systems. These are usually proven wrong in the long run, leading to hard to fix bugs.

The 8 fallacies are:

  1. The network is reliable
  2. Latency is zero
  3. Bandwidth is infinite
  4. The network is secure
  5. Topology doesn’t change
  6. There is one administrator
  7. Transport cost is zero
  8. The network is homogeneous

Let’s go through each fallacy, discussing the problem and potential solutions.

1. The network is reliable


Calls over a network will fail.

Most of the systems today make calls to other systems. Are you integrating with 3rd party systems (payment gateways, accounting systems, CRMs)? Are you doing web service calls? What happens if a call fails? If you’re querying data, a simple retry will do. But what happens if you’re sending a command? Let’s take a simple example:

var creditCardProcessor = new CreditCardPaymentService();

What happens if we receive an HTTP timeout exception? If the server did not process the request, then we can retry. But, if it did process the request, we need to make sure we are not double charging the customer. You can do this by making the server idempotent. This means that if you call it 10 times with the same charge request, the customer will be charged only once. If you’re not properly handling these errors, you’re system is nondeterministic. Handling all these cases can get quite complex really fast.


So, if calls over a network can fail, what can we do? Well, we could automatically retry. Queuing systems are very good at this. They usually use a pattern called store and forward. They store a message locally, before forwarding it to the recipient. If the recipient is offline, the queuing system will retry sending the message. MSMQ is an example of such a queuing system.

But this change will have a big impact on the design of your system. You are moving from a request/response model to fire and forget. Since you are not waiting for a response anymore, you need to change the user journeys through your system. You cannot just replace each web service call with a queue send.


You might say that networks are more reliable these days – and they are. But stuff happens. Hardware and software can fail – power supplies, routers, failed updates or patches, weak wireless signals, network congestion, rodents or sharks. Yes, sharks: Google is reinforcing undersea data cables with Kevlar after a series of shark bites.

And there’s also the people side. People can start DDOS attacks or they can sabotage physical equipment.

Does this mean that you need to drop your current technology stack and use a messaging system? Probably not! You need to weigh the risk of failure with the investment that you need to make. You can minimize the chance of failure by investing in infrastructure and software. In many cases, failure is an option. But you do need to consider failure when designing distributed systems.

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MSMQ, NServiceBus

In the previous blog post we went over some of the MSMQ bascis. In this blog post we’ll touch on how to monitor, troubleshoot and backup MSMQ.

I’ve been using NServiceBus with the MSMQ transport for a while now and have faced some issues. Unfortunately, information about MSMQ is pretty scarce and sometimes outdated. This blog post contains links to resources that I’ve found useful for understanding some of the best practices around MSMQ administration.



MSMQ logs informational, warning and error events under the Application Log. When accessing an object fails or succeeds, it also adds an audit entry in the Security Log. All message queuing events contain the “MSMQ” text in the Source column.

If you have enabled End-to-End tracing, you can find the trace events in Application and Services Logs/Microsoft/Windows/MSMQ/End2End.

Dead-Letter Queues

When a message expires, the queue manager puts it in one of the dead letter queues. This ensures that messages are not lost. A message expires when one of its timers (Time-To-Reach-Queue or Time-To-Be-Received) expire. There are two dead-letter queues, one for non-transactional messages and one for transactional messages. In order to keep track of expired messages, you should monitor the dead-letter queues.

External Transactions

MSMQ can take part in external transactions. You can monitor these transactions by using the Distributed Transaction Coordinator Transaction Statistics and Transaction List views. Since internal transactions don’t go through MSDTC, these can’t be monitored using this approach.

Performance Counters

MSMQ provides performance counters that are helpful for monitoring its performance.

The MSMQ Service performance object contains global information about the Message Queuing Service:

  • Total bytes in all queues – This is very important, since you don’t want to run out of disk space
  • Total messages in all queues
  • MSMQ Incoming Messages
  • MSMQ Outgoing Messages
  • Incoming Messages/sec
  • Outgoing Messages/sec
  • Sessions – The total count of open network sessions

The MSMQ Queue performance object contains counters for each individual queue. If you want to monitor the Dead-Letter queues, you should select Computer Queues:

  • Bytes in Queue
  • Messages in Queue
  • Bytes in Journal Queue
  • Messages in Journal Queue

Since MSMQ is disk intensive, it is recommended to spread out MSMQ’s storage files over multiple disks.


The good news is that, usually, MSMQ just works. Most of the problems that you encounter are caused by either DTC or not having enough disk space.

For investigating DTC issues, you should use DTCPing. Here is a blog post documenting how to troubleshoot DTC issues.

Disk space depends on the throughput of messages that flow through your system, their size, and the amount of time it takes to recover from a failure (and start processing messages again). You don’t want to start losing messages because you can’t store them on disk. You should monitor disk space using performance counters. If there is not enough disk space, you can either increase the MSMQ computer quota and maybe change the MSMQ storage location.

If you want to find out more about MSMQ troubleshooting, check out these links:

Backup and Restore

MSMQ comes with a command line utility – mqbkup – for backup and restore. Using this tool you can backup storage files, log files, transaction files, and Registry settings. I’ve also heard that QueueExplorer is a good tool for managing MSMQ, although I haven’t tried it yet.


In my limited experience with MSMQ, I have ran into a couple of issues. Most of them were caused by the fact that I didn’t monitor it well enough or I didn’t understand how it works under the hood. In this blog post I’ve summarized some of the best practices around MSMQ monitoring and troubleshooting. I’ll probably update this post whenever I learn something new about MSMQ.


Recently, I stumbled upon an interesting problem related to NServiceBus Saga concurrency and coarse-grained locks when using NHibernate Persistence.

With NServiceBus, concurrent access to an existing saga instance works out of the box. This is because it relies on the underlying database system. With NHibernate, it relies on optimistic concurrency, by adding a Version column to your Saga Data. But there is a catch: NHibernate doesn’t support Coarse-Grained Locks. Let’s first explore this general problem and then we’ll get back to the NServiceBus Saga.

Coarse-Grained Locks

With a coarse-grained lock you basically lock a group of entities together. If you’re familiar with DDD, then you know that an aggregate should be a consistency boundary. When I save an aggregate, I want to save the entire aggregate, to ensure it’s consistent. Why would you need this? Here’s an example:

Let’s take the already familiar example of an Order with OrderLines, Order being the aggregate root. We’re using optimistic concurrency control for each of our aggregate parts. In our domain there is an invariant that dictates that the total number of items  in an order can’t be more than 10. Two commands that would increase the quantity could be processed in parallel and break the invariant. This is because in each transaction, the invariant would hold and each transaction would commit, since they update different lines. Now you’re in an inconsistent state.

If we could lock the entire aggregate (order and order lines), then the second transaction would fail and rollback, maintaining a consistent state. One way to achieve this when using optimistic concurrency is to update the root’s version whenever an aggregate part is updated.

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Framework designers usually make sure there is a way to decouple infrastructure code from business code. Usually this comes in the form of hooks that you can use you to inject custom code. The benefit is twofold: you don’t have duplicated code and you don’t break the Single Responsibility Principle. If you’re using ASP.NET Core/MVC/WebApi, then you have ActionFilters. NServiceBus has its own mechanisms that you can use. In this blog post we’ll discuss two ways of hooking into the message processing pipeline that are useful for managing units of work in NServiceBus : IManageUnitsOfWork and the NServiceBus pipeline. There are many use cases where these prove useful. Here are some examples:

  • Manage the unit of work (i.e. the session in NHibernate and RavenDB)
  • Logging & Monitoring
  • Error Handling
  • Authorization

You definitely don’t want to add these concerns to your handlers. Here are two approaches that can help you to keep the handlers clean of infrastructural concerns.

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